Thursday 22 March 2012


Despite the floods at last years event Dragstalgia 2 at the Pod is on for 14/15th July. Many old race cars and bikes are being restored and rebuilt to be ready and if the weather is kind it will be awesome. Put it in your diary.
These photos are from last year, it was dry for an hour or two !

Any excuse...


Moffie said...

smoking the slicks past the eighth!

ITALIAN MOTOR magazine said...

Sounds like the music from Top Cat at the end

Pete Stansfield said...

Not really that much of a coincidence Adam, throughout '66 the TC & Dibble Fueller was driven by Benny the Ball who pulled red lights all season long from Bakersfield to New Jersey, it was only after the last meeting when he didnt stop and carried on down Golden State Highway they realised he couldnt see out.